
Welcome to the website of the AtmChemClimate workshop in Montpellier !

We are pleased to announce the Workshop on Quo vadis theoretical modeling of gas-phase reactions: applications in atmospheric chemistry and climate change, to be held in the Amphi RH of the Botanical Garden, Université de Montpellier, the 20th and 21st of June 2023, hosted by the Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions (MAK’IT) and the Laboratoire Univers et Particules Montpellier (LUPM) and the University of Montpellier.

The workshop will have a two-fold objectives: the first scope will be to serve as a meeting point to bring new ideas and advance in improving current theoretical and computational methods to solve highly computational demanding quantum dynamical problems in the field of gas-phase reaction relevant to environmental physics and chemistry. We aim to cover several aspects such as, quantum mechanical modeling of reactive dynamics, energy- and time resolved molecular spectroscopy, non-adiabatic dynamics, etc. The second goal has an interdisciplinary view as we aim to gather experts from different fields tackling the question on: how the chemical-physics community can effectively help to bring new knowledge and solutions to, as well as to connect with, the atmospheric chemistry community in the context of climate change.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the global South and Europe actively working in related fields, and to foster new interactions and collaborations within these communities. In particular, the workshop aims to consolidate the ongoing formation of a scientific network to strengthen the cooperation between researchers in Europe and the Global South on this topic. The workshop will count with the participation of leading experts in this field, and other potential stakeholders.

The programme consists of invited talks, group discussions, and poster sessions. The workshop will be held in hybrid format.

List of speakers:

Dr. Nadine HALBERSTADT (Laboratoire Collision Aggrégats et Réactivité (LCAR), IRSAMC, Université Paul Sabatier)

Dr. Pascal LARREGARAY, Diputy director, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Université de Bordeaux

Dr. Jean Christophe TREMBLAY (Professor, University of Lorraine)

Dr. Alejandro RIVERO-SANTAMARIA (Maître de Conférences, Groupe PCMT - Laboratoire PhLAM, Université de Lille)

Dr. Sergey YURCHENKO (Professor of Physics, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences, University College London)

Dr. Benjamin LASORNE (Researcher, Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier)

Dr. Sebastian FERNANDEZ-ALBERTI (Professor, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina)

Dr. Maikel BALLESTER-FURONES (Professor, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil)

Dr. Marta I. HERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ (Researcher, Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientîficas, CSIC Madrid, Spain)

Dr. Basile CURCHOD (Professor, Centre for Computational Chemistry, University of Bristol)

Dr. Abir HADDAD (Legal Futurist, Founder and director of Institute for Legal Transformation (Bonn), Adjunct Professor, Universität zu Köln, UN Climate Change Consultant on Legal Transformation and Strategic Advisor)

Dr. Rebecca GARLAND (Professor, University of Pretoria, South-Africa)

Dr. Ha TRAN (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) Paris)

Dr. Lidice CRUZ-RODRIGUEZ (Researcher Fellow, University College London, UK)


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